Rarity Colours

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Revision as of 22:30, 15 October 2017 by JackFury (talk | contribs)
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  • Common - grey;
  • Uncommon - #AAF;
  • Rare - green;
  • Very Rare - red;
  • Wondrous - gold;
  • Quest/Event - orange;

* Note: An item's rarity does not depend on the supply and demand of the item in the community. If the item can only be gotten from a certain pack in the store, its rarity is based on your chances of getting that item when you buy the pack. It doesn't matter if the pack is limited edition, these rarities define the probability of getting it in the store. Any item that can be crafted is automatically defined as "common". Almost all blocks in the game are common. Wondrous(gold) is the highest rarity, and it defines all items that have the lowest probability of being gotten from the packs. Wondrous items range in prices (in the community, not the store) from 20,000 Cubit.png to upwards of a million Cubit.png. These rarities are all rather non-specific and are to loosely guide players as to what price range the items are in.