Cubic Realms

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Revision as of 16:05, 27 June 2016 by Horus (talk | contribs)
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Cubic Realms are official Realms which can be found in the Eden Overworld or via a Lobby.

They were created by the developers to provide an easy start for all the new players, support them throughout the way, and show what consequences are in stock if they choose to break the rules.

As of now, there are three of them present:

Cubic Town CenterTownCenter.jpg Cubic Town Center is the heart of the game. The realm itself contains the Raffle Box, Doorways to Quested realms, the realm showcase, and much more. It's also a perfect hangout spot!
Cubic Learning CenterLearningCenter.jpg Here you can find every in-game Crafting recipe and see what the result looks like.
Cubic JailCubicJail3.jpg This is the place where bad and naughty people go. Game Staff can apply warnings onto player's accounts and they'll be put in this realm if banned.. The realm is definitely worth exploring due to its secrets!