Cubic Lore

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Basic Qbee Lore

Qbees by and large are all devoted to the Almighty cube, and wary of the machinations of his nemesis the Baleful Box.

However, being tolerant and somewhat over celebratory they will on occasion take up the trappings of any and all holidays that happen to seep into their world from other dimensions.

Belief in space faring cattle, is generally relegated to a small segment of the QBee population who believe in cubespiracy theories. Do the cosmic cattle really exist? Do they pull the strings behind cubic town center? Will they one day return?

Little is known about Slymoria and if the Slyme people celebrate anything.

Places of Lore

Slymoria - It is believed to be accessed by a portal rather than being an actual part of the Qbee World Proper

Creatures of Lore

Space Faring Cattle - Rumored to be the actual true Gods of Qbees everywhere despite their beliefs in the Almighty Cube and the Baleful Box

Almighty Cube - The 'good' Qbee God

Baleful Box - The 'evil' Qbee God

Bunnyzilla - "BunnyZilla is a fairy creature from the Easter mists, and not controlled by or a disguise of someone else. Zilla' is his own bunny. That's my understanding anyway, from the various research I've done consulting with experts like ScholarOfTheEgg and Dr. Kewberno." As stated by SirKewberth

Dr. Slymegood - Dr. Slymegood is an evil Doctor that has been seen trying to force people to turn into Slymes. He has also shrunk Bunnyzilla back in 2019. As of April 7th, 2020, Dr. Slymegood has been released from Bunny Prison.

Plasms - Ghostly entities that seem to spawn during halloween. They can only be seen with proper equipment until placed in a plasm containment unit. It is believed we are able to see and capture them during this time of year because it is then that the veil between dimensions is at its thinnest.