
From Cubic Castles Wiki
Revision as of 12:56, 5 March 2018 by Sugarcat101 (talk | contribs)
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Item type:


Available in:

Cubit Store

The Computer is a unique block that allows the player to change their Realm Settings in their realm.

This item is seen in all starter realms as a method of editing the starter realm settings. Though it isn't required and is more commonly used for decorative purposes, it remains a user friendly way for new players who may not know much about the game.

How to Obtain:

The computer may be bought from the cubit store for 50 cubits

Item Preview:

Placed Computer.png


  • The computer can be used by other players if they have access to the realm settings
  • The computer can harm a player if a player jumps underneath it.
  • The computer doesn't deal any damage to a player that touches from below.
  • It probably runs on Wic OS 7